1. Closely analyse one of the following sequences and explain its significance in the progression of shifting erotic triangles and homosocial bonds in the film as a whole:
a. The Piano: From 1:37:00 to 1:42:40: starts with Stewart at his house saying “[indistinct] You cannot do that” to an unconscious Ada; Stewart attempts to rape Ada; Stewart holds a gun to Baines’ head and claims to have heard Ada’s voice; ends with Stewart saying “I want to wake up and find that this is all a dream.”
b. All About Eve: From 1:37:16 to 1:42:57: the powder room scene: starts with Karen responding to Eve’s request to meet her in the powder room and ends with Eve blackmailing Karen to get a coveted part in the play.
c. Blue Velvet: From 1:27:00 to 1:32:23: starts with Jeffrey walking in the dark with photographs to show Mr Williams as evidence of the kidnapping; montage showing elapse of time; Jeffrey comes to pick up Sandy for date; Mr Williams gives “a little fatherly advice”; ends with Jeffrey walking out door with Sandy.
2. Through a close reading of three orfour sonnets, trace the shifting patterns of erotic triangles and homosocial bonds as they evolve between the dark lady, the poet, and the fair young man. You may choose sonnets that are not in the course anthology of readings if you wish.
Give page numbers or a time stamp for all textual references, and include a list of works cited and consulted at the end of your paper, using either MLA or APA format (see “Additional Resources” on the course Stream site). Put titles of books and films in italics. At the end of your essay, note the word length. Grading criteria are listed in full at the end of this document. In brief they are:
• Demonstration of analytical and interpretive skills
• Detailed knowledge of the text(s) under consideration
• Carefully structured presentation of ideas
• Accurate knowledge of key concepts and terminology
• Correctness of grammar and sentence construction
• Correct MLA or APA format for bibliography.
Essay grading criteria
REWRITE or R C, C+ B-, B B+, A- A, A+
Unreflective personal comment.
Pure plot summary without interpretation or analysis.
Entirely or mostly copied.
Complete misinterpretation of topic.
Thesis banal or unclear.
Some major points missed, or not developed or misunderstood.
Discussion too brief.
Insufficient support from the text.
Overuse of quotations with little explanation.
Too much plot summary.
Word limit too long or short. SCOPE OF ESSAY
Clear and sustainable thesis.
Analyses rather than merely describing.
Explanations clear.
Examples provided and relevance to thesis shown.
Assignment shows that course materials and lectures have been understood, often as a thematic survey or overview.
A fuller, more systematic exploration of the topic.
Clear and substantial thesis.
Main points elaborated.
An elegant restatement of course materials and lectures, including theory.
Lucid expression.
Some close analysis provided.
Reliable secondary sources used productively.
Word limit observed (+/- 10%)
Comprehensive exploration of the topic.
Insights move beyond the content of the lectures, independent learning displayed.
Significant and possibly original thesis.
Difficult theoretical questions tackled successfully.
Insightful use of reliable secondary sources.
Word limit observed (+/- 10%)
Structure confused, not discernible, not explained.
Introduction missing.
Opening paragraph simply restates the topic.
Some links in argument and discussion not clear.
Conclusion missed. STRUCTURE
Clear introduction.
Definitions provided in context.
Clear conclusion.
Interesting introduction.
Structure clear and logically developed into a cohesive argument.
Conclusion does not merely restate introduction.
Original introduction.
Well-shaped structure, tightly argued.
Conclusion links findings to a significant cultural or textual issue; shows evidence of wider intellectual engagement.
Major errors in sentence construction.
Errors in grammar/spelling disrupt flow significantly.
Incoherent paragraphs.
No title of essay.
Grammar/spelling errors disrupt flow.
Expression consistently vague, clichéd, or flat.
Paragraphs not clearly structured, topic sentences difficult to locate.
Technical terms improperly used. EXPRESSION
Fluent expression.
Clear topic sentences.
Coherent paragraph structure, with effective transitions both within and between paragraphs.
Minor grammar/spelling errors.
Quotations incorporated into syntax.
Fluent, concise, engaging writing.
Minor grammar/spelling errors.
Quotations well chosen and used strategically.
Sophisticated and wide-ranging vocabulary.
Energetic, fresh style.
Virtually flawless grammar and spelling.
Dense writing, excellent grip of theoretical vocabulary.
No list of works cited/references list, or major errors
Major errors in referencing format. PRESENTATION
Minor errors in referencing format.
Minor errors in referencing format.
Virtually flawless presentation.